Insulin Resistance Syndrome

When you are resistant to something, you 'put your foot down' and say no! With insulin resistance and insulin resistance syndrome that's exactly what vital cells that form part of vital systems within your body such as brain cells, muscles cells and liver cells do...they resist entry to insulin and blood sugar...shut it out and effectively leave it 'stranded' in your blood stream with no place to go. Your liver steps in to clean up this imbalance...unfortunately turning the excess blood sugar into stored fat!

Blood Glucose and Insulin

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When your body's cells are exposed to a continually high insulin level and blood sugar over an extended period they begin to shut the door to this 'flood' of insulin...a hormone...and its traveling partner blood glucose.

Blood glucose is what you get when you consume carbohydrates in your diet and insulin is produced by your pancreas in response to your blood sugar level. Poor dietary habits and some peoples genetic predisposition for stimulating a heightened insulin response when consuming lots of *carbohydrates is responsible for the imbalance that leads to the resistance of insulin.

*Read More About carbohydrate Addiction


Some carbohydrates are simple sugars such as the ones you find in fruit, sweets, pastries, sodas or fizzy drinks. Other carbohydrates are complex and get that name because they consist of many simple sugars joined together to form a larger more complex collection of sugar molecules. These complex 'carbs' are known as starches and some common examples include potatoes, bread, grains and rice.

Be Diet-Wise

"When your body becomes insulin resistant, it is usually because it has had far too much of a 'good' thing. Some carbohydrates are very good for you and are a very important part of a balanced diet that will help to keep you healthy. Other types are empty of any valuable nutrition and should be *choose wisely"

*Click here to understand the Glycemic Index and low glycemic eating

Fight Bad News with Good News

Resistance to insulin has major implications for the development of coronary heart disease and weight control.

If you have already become or are becoming insulin resistant I have good news for can reverse this process regardless of whether you happen to be genetically susceptible to it...and so help to control your weight gain and assist with normalizing some of your coronary heart disease risk factors such as your blood pressure, cholesterol, central obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes.

So, how do you know if you are becoming insulin resistant?

Think about the types of food that you eat
and then specifically identify the carbohydrates.
How do you feel after a carbohydrate based
snack food or 'carb' rich meal? Initially you will feel satisfied...your hunger taken care of...but what
about two or three hours down the track?

You might possibly feel...

  • Light headed or hypoglycemic
  • suffer mood swings
  • find it hard to concentrate
  • Feel like snacking again

  • Fatigue

    Because your muscle cells become increasingly resistant to insulin along with the blood sugar that insulin assists into the muscle cells, your muscles will struggle to get all the fuel they need to propel your body during any kind of physical activity.

    You will likely experience...

  • early onset fatigue as your muscles 'run out of gas'.
  • diminished desire for physical activity
  • Even simple essential exercise such as walking up two flights of stairs or shopping at the food market might make you fell tired or fatigued

    As your amount of physical activity falls but your ingested food energy stays the same or increases, your weight will also increase. Your weight increase will likely also be due to the increasing amount of unutilized blood sugar in your blood stream being converted to stored fat by your liver.

    Blood Fats

    If you are monitoring your blood pressure and blood fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides then you will also likely see these factors increase over time, subtly...slowly but surely...just like weight gain.

    Weight Gain

    Ever increasing weight gain can become the first obvious outward sign of someone who is becoming insulin resistant. Consuming all the low fat foods in the world will not change this scenario if the carbohydrates that you are eating are stimulating continually high insulin secretion from your pancreas and are causing you to become insulin resistant. In fact many low fat foods have a higher level of carbohydrate than some standard fat foods. Check out the labels on low fat versus standard dairy products for example and do your own comparison.

    Too many high carbohydrate foods in your diet will contribute to weight gain no matter how much 'low fat' food you consume if insulin resistance is present. fat will not make you fat if it is consumed in a balanced and healthy diet. Do not be afraid of fat...but do choose the type of fat that you consume wisely.

    Insulin resistance is a gradual process. As more and more of your body's key target cells become resistant to high levels of insulin and blood sugar, fat cells become the 'dumping ground' via processing in your liver for the excess amounts of blood glucose.

    This is all bad news, as every time you eat high carbohydrate foods that cause a high and sustained insulin response, you will end up storing that food's energy as fat. As you can see, this becomes a very vicious cycle.

    What happens if this cycle is allowed to continue?

    Eventually even your fat cells become insulin resistant. Insulin and blood glucose become trapped in your blood stream. Vital cells and body organs cannot receive fuel to function correctly and the blood glucose can't even be stored as fat.

    Your pancreas will try to produce more and more insulin because of your high blood sugar level...a reasonable and understandable response. However, this doesn't make your body's cells any more receptive to insulin and your pancreas simply becomes exhausted and fails to produce sufficient insulin...or any insulin at all. This is called adult onset diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately it is being seen increasingly in young adults and children...this used to be unheard of. Dietary modification along with some level of regular physical activity can address the imbalance that excessive and regular consumption of high carbohydrate foods have on individuals that are increasingly moving towards a greater degree of insulin resistance.

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